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Jack's Giant Adevnture

Jack's Giant Adventure

Jack's Giant Adventure

Taken by Kelsey Krogman

Jack's Giant Adventure

Jack's Giant Adventure

Taken by Kelsey Krogman

Jack's Giant Adventure

Jack's Giant Adventure

Taken by Kelsey Krogman

I also got the chance to do a Theatre for young Audience (TYA) show with Rosebud Theatre in 2014. I was cast as Jack’s Mom, which was new to me because up tip last Christmas, I had only ever played young engenues or small children. Not only that, but I was the one who interacted with the audience too. Jack’s Mom was quite the opposite. I wasn’t entirely sure that I could pull of a mother. However, my director, Adam Furfaro, had great faith in me and directed me as such. I am grateful that I had this chance and loved performing for children. The young audience is a greater challenge of performing for young audiences is two things: they buy in immediately (Great!) but they are very in tune with their truth centres so they can tell when you’re not pretending to your full ability (Scary!) However, they were incredibly forgiving, are so curious about everything, and are not shy. I love that about them. The story is great. The message is vital: nothing comes without hard work and family is the most important thing. Those are two things that I would want to remind children of everyday. I would not hesitate to do another Theatre for Young Audience Show.

© 2016 by Lauren de Graaf

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