Love Song, written by John Kolvenbach, is a story of a man rediscovering the beauty of life and the promise it holds after being caught in a dark place for a long time. This was my first show that my character wasn’t innocent or childlike. This play was visceral. It did not sugar coat the struggle of being alone. Because of this show, Rosebud School of the Arts altered the guidelines for what can be performed on the Rosebud Studio Stage, in terms of Final Projects (a graduate requirement). It may have provoked controversy but it was an honest piece of art that I believe needed to be shared. My character’s purpose, Molly, was to be the light at the end of the tunnel for Beane. She may have compromised her happiness for his but she helped him to see how beautiful life is. I find that I shed that kind of light too. I have learned that I have to be strong and take care of myself but I believed in Molly’s purpose. It was a beautiful show.
Love Song presented by Courage Productions in 2011.