It's A Wonderful Life: A Radio Play
This was another show directed by Morris Ertman at Rosebud Theatre that I was a part of in 2013. First and foremost, I love this era and I’m often convinced that I was born in the wrong era. I love this era because it does not hide the importance of hardship, community, and the need to press on. In the 40s the stake were really high. War was all around them. However, hope was never lost. If they had each other, that was enough. Community became so important, and thus, loyalty became important.
George Bailey would be no where without his big heart and his friends. I loved being in this cast because we were not only actors, but also the sound crew! I can whistle quite well so I was able to whistle a few melodies and be the cricket sound effect. I was even able to sing the tight lovely harmonies that I listened to as a child. I even learned how to make a water drop sound for this show! The characters that I got to play ranged from the age of 6 to 47 and they were so much fun to get to know. I am grateful for having this opportunity and working with the people a part of it.