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No Roads In

My Uncle Blake has always been a musician. I remember going to community halls when I was little and he was up on the stage playing the music for us to dance to. He was good at it, he enjoyed it, and it was clear that this is where he needed to be.

Fast forward a few years to a family Thanksgiving and he starts talking about this project of recording an album in an old farmhouse. The idea behind it was not to make the music technically perfect but to let the character of the house and whatever the weather might do add to the story of the songs. To celebrate the imperfections and inviting them to be a part of the process instead of working so hard to erase them.

This film has toured the world and been presented at a lot of film festivals and done very well. And as a niece, an artist, and a fan, I thought, "Gosh Darn-it, get over there and see this thing." So I finally did and gosh, I've never been so proud and so musically fed.

I don't often get to experience my Uncle as an emotional person. When I see him, he's teasing me, asking what I'm up to, and about the music I'm making. It was such a treasure to see him be transparent and so truthful with his art and I felt welcomed so openly to celebrate and be a part of this journey. This film means a lot to him and he got to do it with some of his best musician friends. I know what that feels like. And I felt peaceful and proud for him. He's fought long and hard to make this kind of art. And this art reflects him perfectly.

I've mentioned before that there was a fire that burnt down my Great Grandparents house. Two things were not burnt: their bible and my Grandpa's banjo. My Uncle Blake now has that banjo and I can't help but think that The Lord had a plan for that banjo. There was a reason why it didn't burn up. The banjo, the stories, and all it's character has a lot to do with the art my Uncle makes and the art that I want to make and it reflects three things: family, love, and the Good Lord above.

Love & Prayers,

Lauren xo

P.s.- CBC has actually picked up this film so keep an eye out in April. It's going places, ya'll. You can follow the journey with the Blake Reid Band.

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