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A three letter word that can overwhelm you in a minute and can be taken in a second. Mine has come and go many times in my life and I try to see it everywhere I can. But where does it truly live? Down in my heart.

There are many things that bring me joy. Things like being Belle from Beauty and the Beast for Halloween or watching a little kid experience something funny. They don't just laugh at the joke, their whole face lights up so bright and it's contagious. The simplest things bring me joy. The Lord has made me with a joyful heart. 

But when my joy is compromised or taken temporarily, a darkness consumes me and it's hard to fight. It's the classic battle between good and evil. My mind somehow can't believe anything good anymore and I'm caught between what I should know and what I chose to believe. In Ephesians it talks about believing what The Lord has to say and if it's not of The Lord or His character, tell it to "bugger off". And the key to this is to have like minded people that will keep you accountable. I like to call these people my friends. 

A lot of couples I know are expecting or have had babies lately and I can't help thinking, gosh, what an exciting miracle! Babies are the only way I can face saying goodbye to any loved one. They make me so joyful. Think of how many hugs they'll receive or kisses they will get! There was a baby dedication at Church today so that could be the inspiration. All I'm saying is don't let anyone or anything steal your joy. Though it doesn't seem like it can be taken from you, it can be. And it's awful important to fight for it.

Love & Prayers,

Lauren xo 

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