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A Bundle of Light

I was at work this past Monday and was texting my best friend because she was scheduled for a Caesarean that day. "When are you going into surgery to have the baby?" "We already had her!" I paused for a moment and then a wave of joy hit me. It's a girl!

No one knew what sex the baby was going to be so it was a happy surprise for everyone! Her name is Hadley May. I walked into the hospital to see her and she was getting her first bath and boy, did she have a lot to say about it! As I heard her squeal and cry, my first thought was, "I can't wait for all the singing we get to do together!" The next thought was "She's here!" I tried to play it cool but I was way too excited to meet her.

As I held her for the first time and she fussed a bit, I would say to her, "Don't worry your pretty little face so much. You're okay." I was also a loud crier and a bit of a screamer. My Mother will quickly say, "That's putting it mildly." And I know how many times my parents would say to me, "Don't worry your pretty little face so much. You're okay." And The Lord has been telling me that everyday. 

If I may, I'd like to pray some things for Hadley. 

Hadley, may you never feel so cold that you become too desperate for warmth. May you never forget that The Lord's love for you is bigger than everything in the world put together. And may you never grow too tired to fight for what is right. You have a set of lungs that will carry your voice through the whole world and enough sass to go with it. Shine bright, my darling girl. 

My prayer for the rest of us is that we will never forget that we too were tiny and fearful at the beginning and The Lord has been there all along. 

Love & Prayers,

Lauren xo 

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