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Forgiveness by definition means to stop feeling angry or resentful towards (someone) for an offence, flaw or mistake. It could also mean to cancel a debt. The Oxford Living Dictionary tells me both these things. When I think of forgiveness, I think of a huge worry lifted of my shoulders that I somehow thought impossible to remove. Let me tell you a story about forgiveness. 

The Lord sent Jesus to the earth into our big mess as a baby. He grew up and he performed miracles, told parables trying to bring light and truth into the world. At first, the world can't believe it. Then they love it. Then a group of men called the Pharisees doesn't like all the commotion and they turn the whole world against Him. And on top of that, at the end of His to do list is to die on a cross. "Why do I have to do this, Father?",  Jesus asks The Lord. "This is the only way to ensure their forgiveness. To take on the sins of the world and erase them." So He did. He was crucified. 

I like the "Why I Wear Black" movement, it gives voices to those who feel like they had to be silenced to keep living. But that's not why I'm wearing black today. I wear black out of respect for my best friend who sacrificed His life so that I could live freely. Died for me so that I could have a second chance. Yes, I'm talking about Jesus, from the story. I'm thankful for Him everyday, yes, but today, I'm grateful that He took away my sins. 

Forgiveness brings the most beautiful peace. It's like I can breathe again, like I can feel joyful again. My slate is wiped clean. And any time I fall short, I confide in Him, confess, and He forgives me. I know this all sounds like a load of rubbish but honestly, it's the reason I've been able to get up every single day. And I wouldn't lie to you about it. I cannot wait to tell you the rest of the story on Sunday. 

Love & Prayers,

Lauren xo

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