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He Ain't Here, Ya'll! {He is RISEN}

I last left the story at "He was crucified." He hung on the cross and cried out to God, "Father, why have you forsaken me?" There was no reply.  Then he looked out upon the angry mob, he said to God, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing." He had compassion for them even then. With His last breath he said, "It is finished."

I'm gonna say one thing. Good thing the story doesn't end there! He was given a proper burial that followed Jewish traditions and placed in a tomb. However, with all the miracles He had performed and the Pharisees' fear, they rolled a enormous stone in front of the tomb to make sure He didn't escape. However, on the third day following the crucifixion, an angel appeared to the guards at the tomb, scared the living daylights out of them and rolled away the stone.

His disciples found out and ran to see if it was true. The Angel said to them, "He is not here, He is risen! Go and see the place where He lay." Later on the rest of the disciples meet Jesus on the road and they cannot believe it. Then He gives them instructions to spread God's love and teachings, gifts them with the Holy Spirit (the best kind of conscience), and ascends to Heaven to be on God's right hand side. 

I have a fascination with magic and where it manifests. This is where is all began. In C.S. Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia he likes to call it a "deeper magic". I get to wear white today because I'm forgiven. FORGIVEN. The guilt, shame, sadness, fear that I feel daily has no room anymore because The Lord has forgiven me. And He knows that I'm human and that I will sin again, so He forgives those as well as long as I ask Him too. It's too good to be true, it seems like magic. But you guys, this magic is real.

Happy Easter!

Love & Prayers,

Lauren xo 

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