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So, I like online shopping.

I'm going to be honest with you. To say I like online shopping is an understatement. Some would say that I'm addicted, some suspect that my closet must be gigantic. But I'm going to tell you the facts: I can't turn down a good deal.

It started when I was incredibly unhappy and I was in a mindset of "this dress will make me feel better". I was trying to find my joy in material things, and let me tell you something, friends, it ain't there. One of my new years resolutions is to slow down on the online shopping and it's kind of working so far? I've done less than usual. But it's still early. I'll keep you posted.

The plus about online shopping is that when you work as many jobs as I do, you don't have time to go into a mall. And the thing about having important people in my life is that they have birthdays. And those happen every year. And gifts are one of my love languages. So the math is pretty simple. A lot of my online shopping is gifts.

All this to say I like shopping in malls but I love getting stuff in the mail. So I'm at a crossroads. But I think the answer is simple: don't find so many good deals.

Love & Prayers,

Lauren xo

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