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4 M O N T H S

It's been four months since I've starting documenting what's important to me and I'm so grateful for those of you that have been following along. And I'm going to say that every time so get used to it. Ya'll are great.

So what do we know about Lauren? We know that she has goals of being an Occupational Therapist. We know that she likes to laugh. We know that she online shops probably too much. But with all this sunshine lately, my mind is dreaming of all the things I'd like to do this summer. So I'm going to share with you what I have so far in the form of a Bucket List! Maybe you'll keep me accountable? I can't be sure. Regardless I'm hoping these things happen!

1. I want to spend more time with my Family & Friends. It probably looks like I do that a lot already but it never seems to be enough. My mom said to me, amongst the craziness of last summer, "But can we hang out?" That's when I realized that I work too much. I need to reorder my priorities and it starts now.

2. I want to have more Lake Days. Now, I realize that Alberta doesn't have a ton of brilliant lakes but we have some pretty lovely ones! There's a delightful spot in Canmore called Grassi Lakes with a gorgeous hike. I had the privilege of spending some time there a couple years ago with some lovely souls but it's been too long. Plus I have to admit, I love a little colour on my skin.

3. I want to explore Calgary more. I love this city. I grew up on a farm in rural Alberta and my heart will always belong there but this city is more enduring than I thought. There are so many shops with their own quirks and characteristics. So many restaurants that have been in the city for years and are so full of Calgary culture. I need some more of that. And I'm hoping to do the exploring in all the pretty dresses in my closet.

These are my main three. I think that everything else that I’d like to do fits within these dreamy ideas. I'm sure I could think of more but I really like the simplicity of it all. What do ya'll want to do this summer?

Lover & Prayers,

Lauren xo

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