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Living Within My Blessings

Technically speaking blessings are "the act or words of a person who blesses" or "a special favour, mercy, or benefit" (according to To me, blessings are things that I see in my life as good things that I don't necessarily earn but I'm given. Sometimes I even ask for them and they are granted. But only if it's in the Lord's will. I could ask for a million dollars and if I'm upset that my wish hasn't come true, that's a bit silly.  

I've been taking a look at my life lately, trying to count and register all the blessings I've been given. A few immediately come to mind: I have lovely people in my life, live in a beautiful country, and God has been so good to me this year. And I gotta tell ya, I got days where I want to complain and I talk to God about it. "Trusting in Your timing doesn't seem so great, you know." "Well how has it been taking it into your own hands?" "... really terrible, actually." "Alright then." If it seems like the Lord and I have kind of a sassy relationship it's because we do.

I'm overwhelmed with the blessings I have, I'll give it to you straight. But only if I accept them and live full within them can I understand their entirety. They can seem really great when I receive them and then when I follow the Lord's direction through them, they just get better. I can't comprehend how but I think if I'm meant to understand something fully the Lord will explain it to me. Trust the timing of your blessings today. Have faith that they show up when they need to. Because the Person who gave them to you adores you and only wants to give you more. It's who He is. 

Love & Prayers,

Lauren xo 

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