6 M O N T H S
These 6 months have gone by in a flash. And I've been trying to think about what I should share with you today. I did a little bit of research and I've decided for this one, it shouldn't be about me. I think it should reflect on how the journey has been so far and that has a lot to do with my life, yes, but about you guys too. So thank you, Kate (layered indulgence), for the idea.
10 Things I've grateful for and why:
1. The Lord- I'm sure this is a no brainer, but I'm grateful for Him because otherwise, my life would look very different and I would be miserable. But because I believe and He's my best friend, I'm able to keep a positive outlook and see the light (magic) in the world. Plus then I can share it with all of you!
2. My Church (Capstone) & House Church (Small Group)- in these communities I have found people and a place to belong. A place where I am challenged on the foundation of my faith but not struck down. A place where like minded people come together because they want to learn more about God and worship. It must be a little glimpse of what Heaven will be like.
3. Family- Our bond only grows stronger. I am grateful for this because as I grow older, I'm understanding it's value on a new level. Not only are my parents my friends, but also my grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins. It's so nice to visit with them and talk to them about everyday things but also about big life steps (changes) that I've made and be supported. I aim to offer that support in return as well.
4. Friends- A lot of my friends I group into the family crowd. The fact that I'm able to do that is incredible to me. But I've been surrounded by some of the loveliest souls who are complete treasures. They're absolute gifts, that's for sure. I'm grateful for them today and every day.
5. Marley- She's not even my dog but she offers so much emotional support, it's crazy. And we've had lots of dogs on the farm before but none quite like Marley. She's productive and careful with the people she's close to. In the morning when she comes up from her kennel, she started to lift her lips in attempt to smile because she's so excited to see us. Snarley Marley, we call her. She comforts when it's needed and loves to play. And she always has to be with us, wherever we are.
6. Alberta, Canada- There are a lot of places that are facing turmoil. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that the world is going crazy right now (I’ve said that before). But I'm thankful for the city, province, and country that I live in and that I can worship The Lord publicly. It may not always be like that but for now, I'm grateful.
7. Blogging Community- It's not giant (yet-hopefully) but the people that I've been able to connect with have been so lovely. The likes, comments and conversations that I've been apart of have been the highlight of my day! For those of you who have been following along, I'm grateful for all of you! It warms my heart just thinking about it.
8. Coffee- Why am I grateful for this? Yes, I'm a morning person, but to wake up and be that person, the encouragement of coffee plays a big part. Plus it's so comforting. Do I drink too much, possibly? The jury is still out on that.
9. Dresses- This shouldn't be a surprise either. I'm happy to say that I've been going through my closet and no longer have one for each day of the month. So that's progress! However, with each dress I put on, I feel confident, classy and comfortable! How do all of these qualities live in one dress? I'm not sure but whoever figured it out, I'm grateful for you too!
10. Sunshine- As I sit and write this, I have the most beautiful view of Stephen Ave (downtown Calgary) and the sun is shining bright. And with all the light, I find I'm way more productive and can get out of bed easier! I'm grateful for this because in the winter time, which takes up a lot of the year in Alberta, the struggle is real.
What are ten things you're grateful for today?
Love Prayers,
Lauren xo
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