Mark Twain said that "kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see." Henry James said,"Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind." Kindness. And the world doesn't know what to do with it.
I was at a grocery store the other day and I offered to bag some items for a lady in front of me while I was waiting to bag my mom's items. She looked at me as if I had three heads. I actually had to ask twice before she let me help her. There's been a few instances when I've had to ask people numerous times if they'd like help because they won't let me the first time. And I get it, you worked hard to be independent. You're doing great! But accepting help doesn't mean that you're weak. But it always helps the world grow in kindness as well.
The world is unhappy. There's too many things being set into motion too quickly and it like it's all out of control. That's no secret, turn on the news. And what's so unfortunate is that people are using kindness as a front for awful things. Many of those things are unforgivable. But I have good news, friends! There is something that doesn't erase the heartache but can bring a little bit of light (magic) into this mess world. You guessed it: kindness.
So as you go about your day, I implore you to be kind. Forget about how you've been hurt, the injustice in the world and the past. As you encounter each person today, be kind. Even if they're unpleasant at first because life has treated them differently. Be kind. Because I'll tell you what, they'll think about it for a while after and they will in turn pass it on. Be kind.
"Be kind and have courage."
Love & Prayers,
Lauren xo