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Josh & Lydia

If you're thinking, "I thought I would have heard everything there is to know about these people already." Well, you haven't. So sit down, if you please.

These two have been married there years today. It feels like so much longer to me, like it feels that Lydia has always been in our family. How the story goes, to catch everyone else up, is that I introduced in Rosebud, Alberta, where Lydia and I went to school for a year together. She has such a beautiful spirit and basically The Lord gave me the idea. We have all (my whole family) have been blessed by her spirit, yes, but also the beauty that both Josh and Lydia bring together. 

Josh and Lydia, I wish you all the feels as you enter your fourth year of marriage. I've never met two people more made for each other and I must have known from the day I met you, Lydia. It was so clear that that was my role in your love story and I couldn't have been more pleased to play it. It's such a joy to be around you both. You always laugh at each other's jokes, fight for each other, and make the other person articulate better, like finish each other's sentences (sandwiches). But most importantly, your marriage is centred around The Lord, and because of that, you will never lose. 

There will be so many more adventures now that you're in Regina and really living life out there. I can't to hear about all the stories and new jokes. Happy Anniversary to you both! Oh, and Marley, I guess now that she's part of your little family. 

Love & Prayers,

Lauren xo 

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