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A Trip To Radium

My good friend, Emmy, and I are about to start another leg of our lives that happens to be far away from each other. So we both decided that it would be so fun to take a weekend and get some good quality time in. We booked a Bed & Breakfast, The Village Country Inn, in Radium, British Columbia and were counting down the days til we left! When we arrived I asked her,

"Have you ever been to Radium before?" "No."

"Well, holy crap! Good thing we're here!"

I began to share all the memories I have as a kid coming up here. I have a Great Aunt that lives up here and we would come to see her, go to the hot springs, mini golf, the whole bit. It was always so magical up here. The mountains are right there, the lakes are gorgeous, and it was far enough from home that it felt like a holiday and not just a road trip.

I also loved being surrounded by the mountains. There's something about them that offers great perspective and humble me. It reminds me that the maker of those mountains loves me so much and made me just as lovely and magical. 

Fast forward 13 years and I return as a 26 year old. Still as tickled to be here and just as humbled. We began each morning with a prayer, asking the Lord to bless our families and bless the next chapter of our lives. Hold on, let me fill you in. Emmy is going to Bethel School of Ministry and I'm going back to school in pursuit of Occupational Therapy. However, we needed some motivation but also guidance on housing and direction (for Emmy, as Bethel is in California) and for motivation for me as I've been procrastinating. That evening, Emmy receives word that she has housing and I finally pull up my socks and register for my Stats course, and our prayers were answered. We prayed again the next morning, thanking God for His faithfulness. 

I know it doesn't seem like a big deal but it was. Emmy was waiting for weeks at a time to hear about housing and how God would provide for her. I was fighting the first fears of starting something new and God showed up. So what I'm trying to tell you guys is that a request is never too simple for the Lord. He is always happy to be who He promised He is and do what He promised He would. And you can take that to the bank. 

I'm starting to figure out that following the Lord is a simple concept, can have HUGE challenges, but if I approach it  how God says I should, it's remains simple (Emmy and I talked about this over the few days we were there). I encourage you guys to try to see it that way, somehow. I read about these people in the Bible, like Abraham, for example, whom The Lord told to pack up and move. He did not say where but He didn't have to. Abraham had this simple faith and he just knew that it would be okay because the God he knew was good and faithful. 

So this is me registering for my courses, writing this blog, praying for ya'll because that's what God told me to do. I've been through some of the biggest changes and challenges in my life this year but it sure is nice to have that God telling me that it's going to be okay. And even in the silence I know that it will be good. And it will be good for you too. 

Love & Prayers,

Lauren xo

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