My Two Best Friends
These are my parents, Mike and Teresa. Mom has a kind heart with a quick wit and Dad has a gentle soul with heart of gold. Together, they are the dynamic duo. And this duo has been married for 34 years today. I'm going to be gushy. Consider yourself warned.
I've always seen my parents as two people who are the perfect match. As I grow older, I know how true that statement is. They fight for each other, love each other, and have shown me what real love actually is, to this romantic comedy crap I see in the movies (although Jane The Virgin knows what's up).
The most important thing they've taught me is to put God in the centre of a marriage. It was God who created it to portray how much He loves the church and vice versa. I think that's why marriages are under so much attack. Satan don't like that.
The second thing that they've taught is communicate, communicate, communicate! I also obverse with Josh and Lydia's marriage. TALK IT ALL OUT, even if it's not a big deal. The last thing is to marry you best friend and make a life together. And that's the hope, ladies and gents!
Mom and Dad, thank you. You're both yourselves and you love doing life together. You've been the perfect example of what a godly marriage is and should be. I was grateful when I was younger but now I'm especially grateful that I have an understanding of what that means. Happy Anniversary to you both! I can't believe I've been so blessed to have you both as my parents and best friends! I wish you all the best and 34 more wonderful years!
Love & Prayers,
Lauren xo (Nunny- my nickname for when I was little because I could't say r's or l's to save my life)