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5 Women Who Inspire Me (6)

I was doing some research the other day about what to blog about and I came across "5 Women Who Inspire Me". I thought, "I think it’s best." I have men who inspire me, of course, but I should like to talk about the women. Only, there are 6 women instead of 5. Now, these women I have never met but they've have been so influential on the woman than I am today.

1. Anne Graham Lotz

2. Audrey Hepburn

3. Kathryn Stockett

4. Viola Davis & Octavia Spencer

5. Adele 

1. Anne Graham Lotz: I've never been a person who was used to listening to female pastors just because I had only experienced male pastors with beards. I also think it has to do hearing a male voice and when I think of the Lord's voice, it feels deep. When I first heard Anne speak, it felt like coming home. It’s so maternal and I feel so taken care of because it's so soothing. Not only that but Anne's spirit is very bright and she's very clear with what she says about the Lord. There are no grey areas. I appreciate that so much because the world is coloured with grey lately. And I trust her. That is likely the biggest reason.

2. Audrey Hepburn: I'm don't think I know any woman who doesn't like Audrey (as far as I know). She's lovely. So stunning, she's a style icon, and she has a big heart. She did a lot of work with Unicef. This resonated with her because she was born in Belgium, survived WWII, and started raising funds for children who were completely helpless at a young age. She was a woman of the people. I should actually say a Lady of the people. 

3. Kathryn Stockett: This is the lovely woman who wrote the novel, The Help. I found out that she submitted the book seven times before it was published. Who knew that it would leave such a mark! It's a story about the housemaids who worked in Jackson, Mississippi, where African American's had little to no rights. And since racism hasn't really disappeared, it's a risky story.

But boy, am I grateful for this story. It says a lot about how women can be, how women are expected to be and how women actually are. So it challenged me on what kind of woman was I going to be. And I'm always learning but I hope I am as brave, as bold and as graceful as the characters in Kathryn's book. 

4. Violas Davis & Octavia Spencer: I did not put these women on the same number because I didn't want to give them their own or because they didn't deserve their own. I did because I love them both for the same reason. They're truth tellers. That's the hardest thing to do as an actor: to always find your truth within your character, and the story, and tell it as transparently as possible. So basically to be so vulnerable that it hurts (as it best serves the story). These woman are masters at it. Every show I've watched them in, they're fully themselves but also fully in character, which is another balance that's hard to attain. I never get tired of watching them and I don't think I will. 

5. Adele: What do you say about Adele? I just love her. I'd love to have tea with her and pick her brain. She was asked how her life has changed because of her success. Her reply was that she goes to fancier grocery stores. Singing and performing is so natural to her because she was made for it. She goes into the recording studio, does a few takes (often one) and that's that. It's just up and down.  She's incredible and there won't be another like her, I'll tell you that for free. Secretly, I'd like to be her best friend. But it's not a secret now because I've told all of you. So if you see her, can you pass it on? Please?

There are many people who continually inspire me, including my family and friends, but I've never named these women to play a huge part. I've told you about June Carter and a few others but these women are more than worth mentioning. I'm sure I will meet and discover new people that will inspire me in new ways as I get older. 

Who has inspired you? Who has played a key part in shaping you who you are now?

Love & Prayers,

Lauren xo 

Image Sources: 

1. Anne Graham Lotz:

2. Audrey Hepburn:

3. Kathryn Stockett:

4. Viola Davis:

5. Octavia Spencer:


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