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Anatomy is so fascinating. I started the course at the beginning of October and I'm just in love with it. It makes me never want to do Statistics ever but don't tell Stats I said that. That would be mean.

I love finding out how everything works together for the safety of the person. It's called the "Controlled Condition". And even when things go wrong, the body has a back up plan and sends antibodies and all kinds of helpers. What I'm trying to say is that we are well designed. So if you've ever thought that you've been forgotten or you have no purpose, that's crazy. You were so well designed that your body has a ton of different systems that all fit in every size of body and all work at the same time. Your body is a huge communication system! It's the coolest thing!

Now I cannot explain why things go wrong and how the body fights against a fatal level of sickness, like cancer. I haven't gotten to that chapter yet. And I'm in pursuit of being an Occupational Therapist not a Doctor. But I do know one thing without a doubt.

What follows next in my mind, logically, that if you are well designed that means it's because whoever designed you cares for you. And since you're so well designed (by God), He must love (care for) you A LOT. Like so much that He sacrificed His Son so that you could be free from sin. Free from any addiction, free from any sadness, free from hurt and free from any circumstance that is not helpful or healthy for you.

You were designed so incredibly well because you were made to do incredible things. Think about that.

Love & Prayers,

Lauren xo

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