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11 M O N T H S: What I've Learned

I can't believe it's been 11 months since I started to blog. You guys, so much has happened! It seems so crazy that we're almost into 2019!

To say that I've learned a lot is an understatement. I have noticed that I'm become more articulate and able to express my emotions.

Building off of that, I thought I would share the 5 big things that I've picked up along my journey. I have found these points to be very helpful and hopefully then will lend something to your blog. Actually, I hope they inform how to look at life too because I think they're applicable to both.

1. Don't let your blog follow the theme of everyone else's. 

There are so many bloggers out there now and it can be overwhelming! But what makes us different from each other is our quirks and imperfections! Isn't that ironic!? Instagram often isn't about glorifying imperfections. Let you blog represent who you are, what you stand for, and what you want to be remembered for. 

2. When working with brands, pick ones that will actually match what you're communicating.

I get lots of direct messages from a variety of companies. Some of them are mainly swimwear, which I'm not sure that I'm comfortable posting bikini shots on instagram. It has a little to do with confidence but mostly to do with the fact that my blog is not necessarily about me in a bathing suit but about long term, faith based content. However, that's not to say I wouldn't post bathing suit photo in a tasteful way. 

3. Try to find a way to have a cohesive theme to your profile.

I think I'm finally getting the hang of this now. It's been up and down but what I found that suits my style is colour sprinkled like pixie dust with cooler or light tones. I'm also finding this has found it's way into my style as well. A little bit of colour but there's something so comforting about neutrals. Everything goes together, it flows.

4. More Variety.

It took a while for me to realize that if I'm a lifestyle blogger, I should be blogging not just about fashion, friends and faith but also fitness and food! So I'm working on it! I'm not much of a cook but I do love to work out. Variety is key because the more you offer, the more reasons you give people to listen to what you have to say!

5. Always Proof Read.

The amount of times that I spell something wrong or use an abstract way to say a simple thing has been adding up so I usually get my mom or my sister-in-law to proof read for me. Of course I understand what I'm saying but not everyone speaks "Lauren".

Those are my thoughts. What rules or tidbits do you guys follow, when it comes to blogging? Or living!

Love & Prayers,

Lauren xo 

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