No Roads In
My Uncle Blake has always been a musician. I remember going to community halls when I was little and he was up on the stage playing the...
Consider Yourself At Home
I can't believe it's already been a month since I started this venture! Where did the time go?! Since we're just getting to know each...
A Lover of the Light
This is Lauren. She's a mother, a Dearheart, a Photographer, but also a soul friend. And it's her birthday today. I want to celebrate her...
Feast of Saint Valentine
I have thought a lot about what to say about Valentines Day. The phrases that run through my head are "You aren't somebody until you've...
Four Generations
When I turned 25, I bought two presents for myself: a filing cabinet and this china cabinet. I love it because it looks like an old...
Be Still & Know
I will tell you one thing about myself: I don't like to sit still. And this is not a recent change, it's been a thing my whole life. As...
Where The Magic Started
I am half Dutch and half 8th generation Canadian. I like to think this makes me a nice person who can be stubborn. However, these are...